New Start in Life Outreach Ministries,Inc.

"Restoring HOPE to Lives In Our Community"  

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   Good Samaritan Volunteer & Leadership Camp 2009

Stirring up the Leader in Our Youth!


You know it's that time of year and Summer Camps are in full swing. This year New Start in Life Outreach has dived into new territory with our Good Samaritan Volunteer & Leadership Camp for teens.

This is a different kind of camp experience especially since in the summer most teens are working summer jobs. We have 20 teens who are giving of their time to volunteer at local social service agencies such as North Texas Food Bank, Project Transformation and the Stewpot. These youth are learning the importance of volunteerism, participating in Leadership Workshops, and learning how to combat challenges that plague inner city communities.

Our teens have assessed the South Dallas Community and identified several major changes they would like to see in their community. These youth have realized there are many negative messages/images throughout South Dallas promoting bad habits such as; beer, liquor, and cigarette ads and the lack of grocery stores, sub standard housing and few positive outlets for kids.

 So how are they making a difference?

Our "Future Leaders" are fundraising for their new "Positive Changes Campaign". The money raised will allow teens to buy an air conditioner for a local senior citzen in South Dallas, pay for advertising their positive messages on billboards, mobile billboard ads, posters, and the distribution of t-shirts, water bottles, and positive message wristbands. All of these tools will be displayed or handed out in the South Dallas Community. This is only the start of what they hope to accomplish. Teens will also prepare a proposal to send to the Dallas Mayor requesting more grocery stores with healthier foods, and ask that billboards with alcohol/tobacco advertisements in South Dallas be taken down. 

This is a huge task and these motivated young people need your HELP!

New Start in Life is asking that you help us spread the word about what these teens are doing in South Dallas. Share this information with everyone you know in hopes of getting supporters to assist these teens with their cause. Also use the PayPal link below to contribution to assist these teens in reaching their fundraising goals.


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The Good Samaritan Volunteer and Leadership Program 

This camp is made possible by faithful contributors like you!  

New Start will be sure to acknowledge all of our Send-a-Kid to Camp sponsors in our summer newsletter, names and logos will be added to our website, and contributors will get a personal note from the kids sponsored!


If you would like more information about the Good Samaritan Volunteer & Leadership Camp visit our Home page under "Special Projects" section.