New Start in Life Outreach Ministries,Inc.

"Restoring HOPE to Lives In Our Community"  

   About Us
   Good Samaritan Camp
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Want to Help?

New Start in Life Outreach Ministries (New Start) is a 501 C3 charity founded in 2007 and recognized by the IRS as 501 C3 as a public charity (search for us on the IRS website.)

New Start is able to share the gift of HOPE,  thanks to support of generous individual donors. We welcome all levels of donations, whether it's a one-time gift, a monthly donation ,in-kind, or the establishment of a matching gifts program.

 Want to make an impact?                                                                               Because we're young, growing, focused, and have moderate administrative expenses, and have learned how to leverage our collaborations, your donation will go further than ever! Nearly 77% of donations go directly to our programs such as Good Samaritan Program & Summer Camp Projects.


Want to make a donation? Download the donation form or click the donation button below to instantly make your contribution today!

Please mail your check to:                                                                                                   

Click here- to download the Donation Form                                                

 New Start in Life Outreach Ministries
3824 Cedar Springs Rd #353
Dallas, Texas 75219

An acknowledgement will be sent on receipt of your contribution. All donors will be listed in our quarterly Newsletters. We will mail updates concerning our programming so you can see your dollars at work.


Thank you for helping to Restore HOPE to the Lives in our community!


-Timothy Carter, President